A Festive Mood For All

In 2009 I moved to Galveston, Texas. Several months later, around the end of November, I started to feel homesick for Oklahoma. I loved living in Galveston and my new job, but I felt like I was really missing something. My cousin caught my sad little homesick post on...

A Tearful Homecoming

I grew up in Enid and we always knew it was officially Christmas season when the BC Clark jingle would play on TV. In 2002 my family moved to Washington DC and the first Christmas was very difficult…until one of my friends taped the jingle and sent it to me. We...

Sing It, and They Will Come

Most of us walk around with some tune or another stuck in our heads. For me, the last few days it has been the B.C. Clark jingle. Which drove me to the website and reading the history of it. Which got me to thinking about how, over the years and for us OKC natives, it...

Julie Is the Gift to Give…?

Yes, I have a friend named Julie. Bless her heart! The first time she heard your jingle, back in 1980 she thought you were singing to HER! “Julie is the gift to give, she’s the gift that’ll live and live!” We tried to convince her the lyrics...

Ringtone Fun

I learned 40 years ago when I moved to OK that your jingle on Thanksgiving Day meant the beginning of the Christmas season. I have had your jingle as a ringtone on my cell for a year now. I recently flew to NYC (where I grew up) for a visit. When the plane was...