Julie Is the Gift to Give…?

Yes, I have a friend named Julie. Bless her heart! The first time she heard your jingle, back in 1980 she thought you were singing to HER! “Julie is the gift to give, she’s the gift that’ll live and live!” We tried to convince her the lyrics said Jewelry, not Julie, but she was having none of that! We couldn’t burst her bubble. It would be like telling a kid there’s no Santa Clause!

25 years later we are still singing her song each Christmas even though we live far away from Oklahoma. We recently discovered you have the jingle online! We played it for her and she’s still convinced they’re singing: “Julie is the gift to give, she’s the gift that’ll live and live!”

Hide the sheet music!

Thank You B.C. Clark for so many happy and magical memories you gave to a girl named Julie!

She really is a gift!

